sumo robot

Picture of Components
1 Arduino Ano3
2 DC Motor
1 L298N Dual H Bridge for Arduino
1 Ultrasonic sensor
2 IR TCRT5000
1 Battery 9v
AA battery 4 * 1.5 v pieces + Battery house
4 Robot Wheels
jumper wires

Step 2: Uses for Each Component

Picture of Uses for Each Component
Picture of Uses for Each Component
Picture of Uses for Each Component
Now we have the required components, so let’s go in details to know what is used for ..
1- Arduino Ano3
It is a main board that control all the parts and link it together
2- DC Motor
Which help robot to maneuver and move within the ring of COMPETING
4- L298N Dual H Bridge for Arduino
It is a small panel that provides constant voltage to the motors, as well as the support of the Arduino plate with good control of movement and voltage.
5- Ultrasonic sensor
The ultrasonic sensor is used to locate the opponent's robot and is usually placed at the top of the robot.
6- IR TCRT5000
As we have already mentioned, the contest ring designed in a certain size and it have two colors, filling is black and frame is white. The contestant should not go out. Therefore, we use the IR sensor to make sure that the robot will not be out of the ring. This sensor has the ability to distinguish between the colors of the ring).
7- Battery 9v
It support the main board (Arduino) with the important voltage.
8- AA battery 4 * 1.5 v pieces + Battery house
It support the two motors (DC Motor) with the important voltage and it must be separated to give the full force for the wheels.
9- Jumper wires


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